“蛋疼”对应的英文单词有: eggache(网络用语) 蛋疼的会计Egg pain of accounting 你蛋疼不Eggs do not hurt you 俗称蛋疼Ballache 青年蛋疼Egg pain of youth 有点蛋疼pain in the ass 很蛋疼very egg pain 蛋疼的Egg translation of pain;Translation of egg pain与蛋疼相关的短语
“蛋疼”对应的英文单词有: eggache(网络用语) 蛋疼的会计Egg pain of accounting 你蛋疼不Eggs do not hurt you 俗称蛋疼Ballache 青年蛋疼Egg pain of youth 有点蛋疼pain in the ass 很蛋疼very egg pain 蛋疼的Egg translation of pain;Translation of egg pain与蛋疼相关的短语