“到岸价格”对应的英文单词有: [外贸] (亦称“成本加运费和保险费价格”) cost. insurance and freight (C.I.F.) 到岸价格加利息价cost. insurance, freight and interest 到岸价格加汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight, exchange and port of destination 到岸价格爱尔兰都柏林CIF dublin ireland 到岸价格净价cost, insurance, freight and war risks 到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest 到岸价格加卸货价cost, insurance, freight landed terms 到岸价格加关税价cost, insurance, freight duty paid 到岸价格韩国釜山CIF BUSAN KOREA 到岸价格加班轮费用价cost, insurance, freight liner terms 到岸价格黄埔码头CIF Huangpu port 到岸价格是CIF Sea 到岸价格加佣金CIF & C COST,INSURANCE,FREIGHT AND COMMISSION 到岸价格汉堡CIF HAMBURG 到岸价格加战争保险价cost, insurance, freight and war risks 到岸价格总价Total Price CIF 到岸价格加结关费用价cost, insurance, freight cleared 到岸价格加内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland waterway与到岸价格相关的短语