

“炉门”对应的英文单词有:opening of a stove、fire door、opening of a furnace、furnace door ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

opening of a stove炉门

fire door防火门;炉门;炉口

opening of a furnace炉门

furnace door炉门


炉门港Cua Lo

炉门护板fire door shield

炉门护圈fire door protection ring

炉门衬圈fire door hole ring;fire hole ring

炉门把firedoor handle

旋转炉门gate turn valve

炉门加料side charge

炉门挡板door damper;door shield

拱形炉门arched door

风动炉门pneumatic firedoor

炉门泥封sealing of doors

加料炉门feed door

炉门清扫机fire door protection ring

炉门板锁垫圈door plate pin washer