“浩渺”对应的英文单词有: (of water extending to the distance) 浩渺行无极,扬帆但信风Boundless is the ocean where we sail with the wind. 烟波浩渺vast expanse of mist-covered waters;a wide expanse of misty waters 就像繁星浩渺Me in Astronomy与浩渺相关的短语
“浩渺”对应的英文单词有: (of water extending to the distance) 浩渺行无极,扬帆但信风Boundless is the ocean where we sail with the wind. 烟波浩渺vast expanse of mist-covered waters;a wide expanse of misty waters 就像繁星浩渺Me in Astronomy与浩渺相关的短语