

“法院院长”对应的英文单词有:chief judge、lord advocate、president of law court、chief justice ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

chief judge(竞走)裁判长

lord advocate[法] 法院院长,大法官,检察总长

president of law court法庭庭长

chief justice审判长,首席法官,法院院长


美国最高法院院长chief justice of the united states

法院院长吉尔Gerhard Zierl

基层人民法院院长Basic People's Court president

高等法院院长Lord Chief Justice;the Master of Rolls;L.C.J;president of superior court of justice

联邦法院院长president of federal court

最高法院院长president of supreme court;Lord President;president;chairman of supreme court

人民法院院长s Courts;president of the people's court;President of People's Courts;President, Peoples Courts

最高行政法院院长president of supreme administrative court

最高人民法院院长President of Supreme Peoples Court;President;Supreme Dean;president of people's supreme court