“搓绳”对应的英文单词有:lay up a rope、make a rope by twisting the strands together ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
lay up a rope搓绳
make a rope by twisting the strands together搓绳
软搓绳long laid rope;soft laid rope;warp laid rope
硬搓绳[轻] hard laid;hard lay;short laid
搓绳有关用语in the jaw
左搓绳left hand lay;left-handed rope;back handed rope;left laid rope
正搓绳regular lay rope
右搓绳plain laid;right hand rope;right-hand lay
反搓绳back hand rope;back laid rope;left laid rope
搓绳机stranding and laying machine;cabling machine;rope laying machine;rope laying machellone