

“我们以为”对应的英文单词有:aetos capital group pty ltd ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

aetos capital group pty ltd我们以为


我们以为他生病了We thought he was sick

通常我们以为Too Often We Think

我们本以为会一直持续We thought it would last

我们可以为你联合We can offer you combined;We can do for you;We combined for you

我们可以为他们照亮we can be their light

我们以为我们懂得很多We thought we knew so much

我们可以为您提供午餐we can go for lunch

我们以为杀掉总统We thought killing the president

我们可以为统一做什麽What can we do for President