

“河网”对应的英文单词有:river network、a network of waterways、drainage network、hydrographic net ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

river network河道网,河网

a network of waterways河网

drainage network排水网,河网

hydrographic net水文网;水系;河网


平原河网river network in plain areas;flat river network

大河网Big river;Dahe Website;hnby.com.cn

废河网abandonedloop;abandoned loop

河网汇流[水文] concentration of river network;river network flow concentration;flow concentration in river net

河网密度[水文] drainage density;channel density

河网系统drainage system

河网模型river network mode

河网地区river net regions

国际河网IRN;International Rivers Network;International Rivers

河网地带area crisscrossed by waterways

河网平原concentration of river network