“褐斑病”对应的英文单词有:tan disease、brown blotch ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
tan disease褐斑病
brown blotch褐色脓疱
菠菜褐斑病cercospora leaf spot of spinach;anthracnose of spinach
泥褐斑病muddy spot
茄子褐斑病brown spot of the eggplant;Eggplant Phyllosticta brown leaf spot;Phomopsis blight;leaf spot of eggplant
蕹菜褐斑病Water spinach Myeosphaerella leaf spot
橘褐斑病citrus brown spot
花生褐斑病Cercospora arachidicola Hori;rly leaf spot;brown leaf spot of peanut
黄瓜褐斑病Corynespora cassiicola
蚕豆褐斑病Ascohyta Blight
向日葵褐斑病Sunflower brown spot;Septoria helianthi