

“自找麻烦”对应的英文单词有:borrow trouble、ask for trouble、wake a sleeping wolf ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

borrow trouble自找麻烦;自寻烦恼

ask for trouble没事找事;自找麻烦;撩蜂剔蝎;自招麻烦

wake a sleeping wolf自找麻烦


不可自找麻烦Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

你就是自找麻烦You're asking for trouble

不要自找麻烦let sleeping dogs lie;let sb do;don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs

别自找麻烦let sleeping dogs lie

别去自找麻烦Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you

不要自找麻烦.Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you

你是在自找麻烦You are looking for trouble