

“你才是”对应的英文单词有:same to you ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

same to you彼此彼此;我也这样祝愿你


只有你的才是我的光Only you are my light

你才是狗You are dog

你才是垃圾You are the garbage

你才是老挝人You are the Laos person

你才是小气鬼You are stingy ghost;You'll be the cheapskate;You are the cheapskate

你才是个坏蛋You'll be the bad guy;You are the bad guy

你才是一个傻瓜You is a fool;You're a fool

你才是木材头Before your head is wood;You are the wood head

你才是疯子的You're mad;You are the madman