“是一场梦”对应的英文单词有:is a dream ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
is a dream是一场梦
它不仅仅是一场梦It's just not a dream
电力是一场梦Electricity was a dream
爱是一场梦Love is a dream;Love is like a dream
仅仅是一场梦just a dream
生命是一场梦Life is a dream;life a is a dream
这不过是一场梦It was only just a dream
昨日是一场梦Yesterday's a dream
如果生命是一场梦If life is a dream
爱情是一场梦Love is a dream;but after one kiss one awakens to find it the truth
那仅仅是一场梦that was just a dream