“旧岁”对应的英文单词有:old year、last year ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
old year旧年
last year去年;上年;去岁
辞旧岁Remembering Our Elders;bid farewell to the old year
鸣钟辞旧岁ring out the old year
旧岁已逝Das alte Jahr Vergangen ist
奏乐辞旧岁play the Old Year out
“旧岁”对应的英文单词有:old year、last year ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
old year旧年
last year去年;上年;去岁
辞旧岁Remembering Our Elders;bid farewell to the old year
鸣钟辞旧岁ring out the old year
旧岁已逝Das alte Jahr Vergangen ist
奏乐辞旧岁play the Old Year out