

“我看不懂”对应的英文单词有:i couldn't understand. ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

i couldn't understand.我看不懂


越语我看不懂I don't understand the language

我看不懂菜单I Can't Read The Menu

我看不懂英文I do not understand English;I can not read English

别告诉我你看不懂啊Don't tell me you don't understand

我看不懂英语I do not understand English;I can not read English

我看不懂你的话I cannot read your words

我看不懂啊I do not know ah;I can't read

我有点看不懂I don't understand;I read a little bit

我看不懂中文I cannot read Chinese;I don't understand Chinese;Me couldn't read Chinese