

“核爆炸”对应的英文单词有:nuclear explosion、atomic blast、nuclear burst ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

nuclear explosion核爆炸

atomic blast核爆炸;核试验

nuclear burst核爆炸


核爆炸电磁脉冲electromagnetic pulse from nuclear explosion

水上核爆炸above water nuclear explosion

核爆炸效应power of nuclear explosion

核爆炸装置nuclear explosive device;nuclear explosion device

核爆炸环境nuclear explosive environment

核爆炸压裂nuclear- fracturing

核爆炸威力detonation yield

地表核爆炸nuclear surface burst

核爆炸观察分队nuclear explosion observation element

密封核爆炸contained nuclear explosion

地下核爆炸nuclear underground burst;underground nuclear explosion;Underground Nuke

核爆炸探测nuclear burst detection;nuclear detection;[核] nuclear explosion detection;detection of nuclear explosion

核爆炸复合伤combined injury following nuclear explosion

地面核爆炸[军] [核] atomic surface burst;surface nuclear explosion