

“上了大学”对应的英文单词有:have gone to university ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

have gone to university上了大学


当我上了大学When I went to College;When I was in college

你上了大学Where you went to College

他马上就要上大学了Him going to University;He soon go to college

在我上了大学之后After I went to college;After I on the University

送了你上大学The University has sent you;Take you to the University

上了大学独立生活The University on independent living

自从上了大学Since the university;Since he went to College

我十五岁就上了大学i had already been a university student at

自从我上了大学Since I was in college;Since I went to College