“月底”对应的英文单词有:eom、the end of a month ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
eomend of month 月末;every other month 每隔一个月;eomesodermin 酶覆盖膜;extra-ocular movements 超出视觉范围的活动
the end of a month月终;月底;月杪;月末
月底八月end Aug
月底工作Month-end Work
月底结账Month billing;Settlement of accounts end
凹陷月底dented at end
八月月底The End of August
每月月底End of each month
月底月末end of month
月底对账Month reconciliation;accounts at the end of;End of reconciliation
这个月底The end;This month;End of this month