

“泳池别墅”对应的英文单词有:pool villa with private pool ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

pool villa with private pool泳池别墅


花园泳池别墅Garden Villa WP;Garden Pool Villas;Garden Pool Bungalow;Garden Pool Villa

德巴拉泳池别墅Devara Pool Villa

豪华露台泳池别墅Deluxe Terrace Pool Villa

豪华海滩泳池别墅Deluxe Beachfront Pool Villa;Deluxe Beach Pool Villa

水上泳池别墅Water Studios with Private Pool;Water Pool Villa;Over-Water Pool Villas;Water Villa With Pool

海滨泳池别墅Beach Pool Villas;Beach Front Pool Villa

双卧室泳池别墅Two Bedroom Pool Villa

海景豪华泳池别墅Deluxe Beach front pool villa;Sea View Luxury Pool Villa;Beach Bungalow with Pool

豪华水上泳池别墅Deluxe Water Pool Villa;Deluxe Water Villas with pool