“最困难的”对应的英文单词有: the most difficult(difficult的最高级);the toughest(tough的最高级);the hardest(hard的最高级) 最困难的国家hard core country;hard-core countries 渡过最困难的时期tide over the most difficult phase 在我最困难的时候My difficult time;In my most difficult times 度过了最困难的时期The most difficult time spent;Through the hard times;Through the most difficult period 史上最困难的题目The most difficult question 最困难的时期The most difficult period;The most difficult periods of 处境最困难的国家least advantaged country 完成最困难的部分break the back of 最困难的事The Toughest Thing fo;the hardest thing与最困难的相关的短语