

“有心人”对应的英文单词有:an observant and conscientious person、a person with high aspirations and determination ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

an observant and conscientious person有心人

a person with high aspirations and determination有心人


守护有心人The Blind Side Trailer

张国荣-有心人DjAnjoe ReMix

功夫不怕有心人Not afraid of conscientious effort

苍天不负有心人All things come to those who wait

战地有心人Charlotte Gray

皇天不负有心人providence does not let down a man who does his best

功夫不负有心人Hard work pays off;Hard work pays off translation;Everything;Everything comes to him who waits

只怕有心人Who sets his mind;Nothing is unachievable;Certainly be done;If enough determination