

“为什么不”对应的英文单词有:why not? ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

why not?为什么不


为什么不抢过来Why not grab;Why not vie for;Why not take it over;Why not snatched them

为什么不唱了Why not sing;Why don't you sing

为什么不可以呢Why can not it;Why can we not

为什么不喜欢Why don't like;Why don't you like;Why do not like

为什么不去购物Why not go shopping;Why go shopping;Why don't you go shopping

为什么不早说Why not earlier said;Why say that earlier

快乐为什么不幸福Stumbling on Happiness

为什么不参加俱乐部Why not join the Club;Why not participate in club

为什么不懂Wae Mol Ra;Kil Gun