“敦煌石窟”对应的英文单词有: the Dunhuang Caves, Gansu Province, dating from 366 A.D., containing Buddhist statues, frescoes, and valuable manuscripts 宋代敦煌石窟Dunhuang grottoes of the Song Dynasty 回鹘敦煌石窟Dunhuang grottoes of the Uyghur reign 西魏敦煌石窟Dunhuang grottoes of the Western Wei Dynasty 五代敦煌石窟Dunhuang grottoes of the Five Dynasties 敦煌石窟保护protection of Dunhuang grottoes 敦煌石窟艺术dunhuang grottoes art 伯希和敦煌石窟笔记(Grottes de Touen- houang Carnet de notes de Paul Pelliot) Pelliot Notes on the Dunhuang Grottoes 敦煌石窟考古archaeology on the grottoes in Dunhuang 盛唐敦煌石窟Dunhuang grottoes of the High Tang与敦煌石窟相关的短语