

“收支”对应的英文单词有:income and expenses、revenue and expenditure、expenses and receipts ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

income and expenses收支

revenue and expenditure收支

expenses and receipts收支


收支表balance sheet

收支范围division of the revenue and expenditure boundaries

收支预算budget for revenues and expenditures

收支两条线separation between revenue and expenditure

收支调查survey of income and expenditure

水汽收支water vapor budget

收支帐income and expenditure account

收支计算书account of business

动能收支the kinetic energy budget

帐户收支Account Balance

收支逆差balance of payments deficit

收支调整payments adjustments

收支簿account book

收支账目budget for revenues and expenditures

财政收支public revenue and expenditure;government revenues and expenditures;Fiscal Balance;Revenue and expenditure;state revenues and expenditures

外汇收支foreign exchange receipts and payments;Foreign exchange revenue and spending;Balance of Foreign Exchange;foreign exchange receipt and disbursement

水分收支hydrologic balance

收支不平衡payment imbalance;payment disequilibrium

养分收支[土壤] nutrient income and expense;nutrient budget

收支差额gap between revenues and expenditures;deference

能量收支energy budget