

“想成为朋友”对应的英文单词有:want to be friend ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

want to be friend想成为朋友


想要成为你的朋友want to be your friend

更想成为朋友的我nae ga dwi go sipeo

我想和你成为朋友I want to be friends

你还想和我成为朋友吗You may also want to And I become friends

你想和他成为朋友吗And you want him to become friends

想要成为朋友Wanna be friend

想成为我的朋友And wanna be my friend;and-wanna-be-my-friend;and-y-friend

你想成为我的朋友you wanna be my friend

你想成为他的朋友吗Do you want to become his friends