“败落”对应的英文单词有: (由盛而衰) decline (in wealth and position) 败落者degenerate 衰弱败落decline 中世纪教会的败落Decline of the Medieval Church 使家业败落庭black sheep 新近败落的人the new poor 败落晶Pyrogen 日渐败落being pushed out of business 家道败落come down in the world与败落相关的短语
“败落”对应的英文单词有: (由盛而衰) decline (in wealth and position) 败落者degenerate 衰弱败落decline 中世纪教会的败落Decline of the Medieval Church 使家业败落庭black sheep 新近败落的人the new poor 败落晶Pyrogen 日渐败落being pushed out of business 家道败落come down in the world与败落相关的短语