

“你吃饭吗”对应的英文单词有:would you like to have meals? ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

would you like to have meals?你吃饭吗


你还在吃饭吗Are you still eat it;Do you still eat;You eating

朋友你吃饭了吗Friends do you eat;Did you eat friends;As you eat your friends

你请我吃饭吗You are feeding me

你早上吃饭了吗Do you eat the morning;Did you eat your morning

你还没吃饭吗You do not eat;Do you not eat

难道你都不吃饭吗Do you not eat it;Am I you don't eat;Don't you all eat meal;Does it mean that you do not eat

你不是要吃饭吗You do not need to eat

你吃饭了吗You eat it;Did you eat;Do you eat

你中午吃饭了吗Do you eat at noon;Did you noon meal;At noon you eat

你要去吃饭吗You going to eat it