“软坚”对应的英文单词有:softening hard mass ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
softening hard mass[医]软坚
益气软坚汤Yiqi Ruanjian Decoction
消臌软坚丸Xiaogu Ruanjian Pills
消痰软坚eliminate phlegm and soften hardness;soften the hard by eliminating phlegm
软坚化痰soften hardness and transform phlegm
祛瘀软坚dispelling stasis and softening ha
扶正软坚方Fuzhengruanjian prescription
软坚散结softening and resolving hard mass;resolving hard lump;softening hardness to dissipate stagnation;soften hardness and dissipate binds
软坚稳Soft firm;Soft Strong and firm
软坚消瘿汤Ruanjian Xiaoying decoction