

“提货”对应的英文单词有:pick up goods、take delivery of goods ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

pick up goods提货

take delivery of goods提货;收货


提货人delivery person while actually engaged

提货日期Date of Delivery

提货通知letter of guarantee for production of the bill of lading

自己提货Own delivery;Their delivery;Their own delivery

及时提货timely take delivery

提货报关代理人delivery and customs agent

提货不着险risk of non-delivery

海运提货ocean marine bill of leading

提货担保书letter of guarantee for production of the bill of lading

提货地点Place of delivery

提货点Pick up point;Delivery Point

提货码头loading dock

提货单bill of lading (B/L)

提货双bill of lading;blading-------------------bill of lading