

“中误差”对应的英文单词有:error of mean square、mean error、quadratic mean deviation、standard deviation ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

error of mean square平均误差,均方误差,中误差

mean error平均误差,中误差

quadratic mean deviation二次平均偏差

standard deviation标准偏差


中凹误差Concave error

对中误差error of centration;centring error;[测] error of centralization

定中误差centering error

偶然中误差accident mean square error

点位中误差point mean square error;mean square error of position;middle error of point position;mean square error of a point

预拟中误差mean square error of a priori

标准中误差standard deviation

一次定向中误差orientation error

离散中误差Discrete error mean square