“你准备好了吗”对应的英文单词有:are you ready? ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:
are you ready?你准备好了吗
你确定准备好了吗You determines you ready;Identify your ready;Are you sure you ready
复习实验你准备好了吗Middle School Students Science Monthly
道具你准备好了吗Are you ready props;props are you ready
你确定你准备好了吗you sure youre up for this
你准备好外出了吗Out ready for you;Are you ready for
你真的准备好了吗Are you ready;Do you really ready;Are you really ready
你准备好出发了吗Are you ready to go
你准备好成功了吗Are you ready to succeed
你准备好去爱了吗Are you ready for love