

“体育心理学”对应的英文单词有:exercise psychology、psychology of physical culture、psychology of physical education ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

exercise psychology体育心理学

psychology of physical culture体育心理学

psychology of physical education体育心理学


体育医学心理学[心理] athletic medical psychology

古代体育心理学思想Ancient Sports Psychology Thoughts

体育交际心理学[心理] athletic communication psychology

体育社会心理学social psychology of sports

锻炼与体育运动心理学exercise and sport psychology

体育文化心理学physical culture psychology

体育心理学和教练Sport Psychology & Coaching

体育心理学理学硕士MSc Psychology of Sport

体育与运动心理学MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology;Psychology of Sport and Exercise;Sports psy