

“脾虚”对应的英文单词有:insufficiency of the spleen ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

insufficiency of the spleen脾虚



脾虚带下leukorrhagia due to hypofunction of the spleen

脾虚湿困water retention due to hypofunction of the spleen

老年脾虚Senile spleen deficiency

脾虚水肿edema due to spleen deficiency

脾虚湿盛water retention due to hypofunction of the spleen

肝郁脾虚liver stangation and spleen defieiency;hepatic stagnation causing splenic deficiency;depressed liver and deficient spleen;Liver Depression and Spleen Deficiency

脾虚哮喘spleen-deficency asthma

脾虚寒deficiency-cold of spleen

脾虚厌食Spleen deficiency anorexia

脾虚多涎excessive salivation caused by hypofunction of the spleen

脾虚证spleen deficiency syndrome;syndrome of spleen deficiency;spleen deficiency symptom

脾虚肺弱spleen-lung deficiency

脾虚经闭amenorrhea due to hypofunction of the spleen

脾虚生痰spleen deficiency generating phlegm;production of phlegm by spleen def