“灵魂出窍”对应的英文单词有: One';s spirit has freed itself from the body. 灵魂出窍开悟经验happened in hk 濒死体验中的灵魂出窍Out of the Body Experiences;OBES 灵魂出窍徐肉肉Be Happy Be Strong 灵魂出窍五次方Five Ghosts 体验中的灵魂出窍Out of the Body Experiences;OBES与灵魂出窍相关的短语
“灵魂出窍”对应的英文单词有: One';s spirit has freed itself from the body. 灵魂出窍开悟经验happened in hk 濒死体验中的灵魂出窍Out of the Body Experiences;OBES 灵魂出窍徐肉肉Be Happy Be Strong 灵魂出窍五次方Five Ghosts 体验中的灵魂出窍Out of the Body Experiences;OBES与灵魂出窍相关的短语