

“一言不发”对应的英文单词有:not to utter a single word、be as silent as the grave、button up one's mouth、become almost as silent as a post、Dont Say a Word ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:

not to utter a single word一言不发

be as silent as the grave守口如瓶;一言不发

button up one's mouth保持沉默;一言不发

become almost as silent as a post一言不发

Dont Say a Word[电影]沉默生机;一言不发


妻子看见你一言不发Yah raen mwngz ndi

一言不发地in silence

我们一言不发We sit in silence

他一言不发He Kept Silent;He Says Nothing

我一言不发I bite my lip

一言不发的clamlike;silent wordless

你一言不发Around the one I loved

看着你一言不发just watching you without words