

“商学院”对应的英文单词有:commercial college、business college ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

commercial college商学院,商业专科学校

business college商业专科学校;商学院


哈佛商学院Harvard MBA;Harvard Business School;HBS;Harvard School of Business

湖南商学院hnbc;Hunan University of Commerce;Hunan Business College;hunan Business School

马歇尔商学院Marshall School of Business;USC Marshall

广东商学院Guangdong Commercial College;Guangdong University of Business Studies;Guangdong Business College;Guangdong University of Business

沃顿商学院Wharton;Wharton School;Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania;Wharton Business School

伦敦商学院LBS;London Business School;London School of Commerce;LSC

南京大学商学院Nanjing University Business School;School of business nanjing university;NUBS

卡斯商学院Cass school of business;Cass Business School;CASS;City University

澳大利亚商学院Australian School of Business;Australian School of Business Australia