

“摆线针轮”对应的英文单词有:cycloid cam ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

cycloid cam摆线针轮


摆线针轮减速箱cycloidal pinwheel reduction box;cycloidal pin wheel reduction box

摆线针轮加速器cycloidhas-pin gear speed reducer

摆线针轮减速器cycloidal-pin gear speed reducer;Cycloidal gear reductor;pin gear speed reducer

摆线针轮行星机构planetary mechanism of cycloid pinwheel

摆线针轮减速机cycloidal pin gear speed reducer;TRANSCYKO;Cycloidal pin wheel reducer;CYCLO

摆线针轮电动机cycloidal needle wheel type motor

摆线针轮传动pin-cycloid planetary gearing;cycloidal pinwheel transmission

摆线针轮电念头cycloidal needle wheel type motor

摆线针轮行星传动Basic terminology of cycloidal drives