

“建筑工程学院”对应的英文单词有:institute of civil engineering ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

institute of civil engineering建筑工程学院


维多利亚建筑工程学院Trade Institute of Victoria;TIV

南京建筑工程学院nanjing civil engineering institute

重庆建筑工程学院chongqing civil engineering institute

北京建筑工程学院beijing civil engineering institute

土木建筑工程学院School of Civil Engineering;civil engineering & architecture

河北建筑工程学院Hebei Institute Of Civil Engineering;HeBei University of Architecture;Institute of Architecture and civil Engineering;hebei civil engineering institute

吉林建筑工程学院jilin civil engineering institute

山东建筑工程学院Shandong Institute of Architecture & Engineering;shandong institute of architecture & eng;shandong civil engineering institute

哈尔滨建筑工程学院harbin civil engineering institute