“张牙舞爪”对应的英文单词有:bare one's teeth and show one's claws、sabre rattling、bare one's fangs and open one's claws ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:
bare one's teeth and show one's claws张牙舞爪
sabre rattling战争叫嚣,张牙舞爪
bare one's fangs and open one's claws张牙舞爪
“张牙舞爪”对应的英文单词有:bare one's teeth and show one's claws、sabre rattling、bare one's fangs and open one's claws ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:
bare one's teeth and show one's claws张牙舞爪
sabre rattling战争叫嚣,张牙舞爪
bare one's fangs and open one's claws张牙舞爪