

“喜怒无常”对应的英文单词有:be subject to changing moods、April weather、be given to capricious moods ,一共3个,具体意思及用法如下:

be subject to changing moods喜怒无常

April weather四月里变化无常的天气,<;喻>;一会儿哭一会儿笑,喜怒无常

be given to capricious moods喜怒无常


变得喜怒无常蛮不讲理grew moody and petulant

是一个喜怒无常的人It was a capricious person;Is a man of moods;Is a moody person

忧郁和喜怒无常melancholy and moody

喜怒无常的mercurial;temperamental;The capricious;moody

她一直喜怒无常she's been all moody

每天都喜怒无常Each day Moody

喜怒无常的河Moody River

喜怒无常的人a man of moods;man of moods;a man of mood;capricious