

“内心深处”对应的英文单词有:the cockles of the heart、in the depth of one's heart、in the privacy of one's thoughts、at the bottom of one's heart、in one's heart of hearts ,一共5个,具体意思及用法如下:

the cockles of the heart内心深处

in the depth of one's heart内心深处

in the privacy of one's thoughts内心深处

at the bottom of one's heart内心深处

in one's heart of hearts在内心深处;骨子里


于内心深处To the heart & mind

每人的内心深处Deep within each heart

我内心深处Truly madly

内心深处的杀手The killer within me

内心深处的美味Intimas suculencias

隐藏在内心深处hide deep down

在你内心深处Deep inside in your heart;now deep down inside you;Somewhere deep inside;deep inside your heart of hearts

内心深处的情感inmost emotion