

“协力同心”对应的英文单词有:work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose、be all of one mind、cooperate with one heart、be of one heart ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose协力同心

be all of one mind一个心眼;协力同心;齐心协力

cooperate with one heart协力同心

be of one heart齐心;协力同心;齐心协力


同心协力赛龙舟Collaboration Builds Friendships and Winners

同心协力救地球Discovery Project Earth

指同心协力克服困难work together with one heart

同心协力逃离密室Meet In

同心协力地shoulder to shoulder

如果我们同心协力if we could just get to it

同心协力为together hand in hand as

同心协力go hand in hand with an enterprising spirit;as one man;consensus and synergy;gung ho

与您同心协力And You Work Together