

“如愿以偿”对应的英文单词有:have got one's wish、achieve what one wishes ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:

have got one's wish径情直遂

achieve what one wishes如愿以偿;径情直遂


如愿以偿地souhait loc

徽宗如愿以偿Huizong Got His Wish

我如愿以偿Alla fine ci sono arrivato

我的心事将如愿以偿It's gonna be all right

祝你能够如愿以偿Wishing you get it;Wish you could get;I wish you get it

那就让她如愿以偿Lets give her what she wants

你会如愿以偿You just might get it

当所有都如愿以偿When everything was going right

让你如愿以偿To keep you satisfied