

“你在什么地方”对应的英文单词有:where are you? ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

where are you?你在什么地方


你在什么地方上网where you on the Internet;Where you are online;You in any place surfer

你在什么地方阅读Where did you read;Where are you reading;Where you read

你出生在什么地方Where were you born

那你在什么地方Where could you;That where you are;You somewhere

你在什么地方上班You work for is where

我想清楚你在什么地方I wonder where you where

我能感觉你在什么地方ich fuehle wo du bist

你在什麽地方上网where you on the Internet;Where you are online;You in any place surfer

你在什么地方吃中饭Where did you eat lunch;Where you eat lunch