

“人类的朋友”对应的英文单词有:mankind‘s friends ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

mankind‘s friends人类的朋友


狗是人类的朋友Dogs are mankinds friends;Dogs are mankinds

狗是人类的好朋友Dogs are man's best friend;Dog is man's friend

是人类的好朋友It is man's best friend;Is human best friend

动物真是人类的好朋友Animal is human best friend

它们是人类的好朋友They are the human's friends

不是人类的朋友Not a friend of mankind;Not human friends;Not the friend of mankind

书是人类的朋友Book is man's friend;Human friend

人类的好朋友Good Friends of Human beings

我们人类的朋友Dogs Are Peoples Friends