“随机应变”对应的英文单词有:adapt oneself to circumstances、play to the score、adjust to changing circumstances、act in consonance with the requirements of the occasion ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
adapt oneself to circumstances相时而动;称体裁衣;随方就圆;通权达变
play to the score随机应变
adjust to changing circumstances随机应变
act in consonance with the requirements of the occasion随机应变
随机应变能力Ability to Make Immediate Response;Random Strain Capacity
随机应变重于循规蹈矩Responding to change over following a plan
随机应变的能力Resourcefulness;The ability to improvise
能随机应变know the time of day
随机应变的管理部门An Adaptable Administration
视网膜也能随机应变Not just looking
会随机应变be fertile in expedients