


letter of credit (LC)


信用证有效期validity of credit;expiry date of L/C;expiry date of letter of credit

信用证引起通货膨胀说credit availability theory of inflation

信用证券credit document

信用证未用余额unused balance of letter of credit

信用证未用部分under portion of letter

信用证条款letter of credit terms

修改信用证to amend a credit;amend letters;Amendment to Letter of Credit;amend the letter of credit

信用证通知notify a credit

可撤销信用证revocable letter of credit;Revocable credit & Irrevocable credit;revocable;Revocable credit

信用证金额amount of the credit

开出信用证to issue a credit;open a credit;Accredit

保兑信用证confirmed credit;confirmedL/C/unconfirmedL/C;[金融] confirmed letter of credit;Confirmed

信用证条件credit terms;terms of credit

远期信用证time letter of credit;Usance Credit;[金融] Usance Letter of Credit;Usance

信用证申请书application for letter of credit

即期信用证sight letter of credit;LC at sight;sight credit;Sight

信用证正本validity of credit;expiry date of L/C;expiry date of letter of credit

单一信用证simple credit

信用证开立与收到的差额balance of L/C opened and received

进口信用证[金融] import letter of credit;[金融] import credit

光票信用证[金融] Clean Credit;Clean;[金融] clean letter of credit;B clean