“可有可无”对应的英文单词有:not indispensable、may or may not be needed、be as well without it as with it、not essential ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:
not indispensable可有可无
may or may not be needed可有可无
be as well without it as with it可有可无
not essential可有可无;可有可无的
我是可有可无的I am not indispensable;I'm easy;I Extras;I was dispensable
可有可无的东西a chip in pottage;a chip in broth
一切均可有可无and nothellong else matters
可有可无套票奇才Optional package wizards
原来我可有可无I'm easy;I had an option;Originally I dispensable
如果你觉得我可有可无If you think I'm easy