“只为”对应的英文单词有:just for、only for ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
just for只为
only for要是没有;只为
只为快乐Just for a Thrill
只为唯一The one i love
只为改变Time For Change
只为四天Just For Four Days
只为女士only for ladies
只为一人All For One
只为最好just the best
只为男人just for men
“只为”对应的英文单词有:just for、only for ,一共2个,具体意思及用法如下:
just for只为
only for要是没有;只为
只为快乐Just for a Thrill
只为唯一The one i love
只为改变Time For Change
只为四天Just For Four Days
只为女士only for ladies
只为一人All For One
只为最好just the best
只为男人just for men