

“生产资料生产”对应的英文单词有:production of the means of production ,一共1个,具体意思及用法如下:

production of the means of production生产资料生产


大生产资料[工业] large-scale means of production

农业生产资料总额Total of Agricultural Production Means

物质资料生产production of material goods;production of physical materials;production of Material Goods;production of physical materials

生产资料生产工业capital goods industry

生产资料公有制the public ownership of productive means;the common ownership of the means of production

生产资料管理系统product data management

紧缺生产资料scarce means of production

生产资料交易市场capital goods market

生产资料[工经] means of production;the means of production;[工经] capital goods;capital goods