

“千言万语”对应的英文单词有:a host of words、thousands and thousands of words、Ordinary Heroes、a great deal of talk ,一共4个,具体意思及用法如下:

a host of words千言万语

thousands and thousands of words千言万语

Ordinary Heroes[电影]千言万语

a great deal of talk千言万语


胜过千言万语transcends the spoken word;It's saying so much more

千言万语尽在不言中Words do not;A thousand words self-evident

那千言万语Those thousand words

以千言万语Talk in everlasting words

播放千言万语Endless Words

这千言万语Oh a thousand words

千言万语说what cha say

都千言万语The Countless Words

有千言万语And a thousand words